Friday, July 9, 2010

Under Pressure

Are you kidding me? I freaking hate pressure so much. Pressure to find a good job. Pressure to save money. Pressure to get an education. Seriously, i doubt anyone really likes pressure. So what is it good for? Getting pimples so you can play a lead role in a teenage sitcom? Getting high cholesterole so you can increase your chance of cancer and diabetes? Get stage fright in front of an audience and completely embarras yourself? Come one. There is not point. The world would be a better place without pressure. Instead id switch pressure for encouragement. There is a very very fine line between the 2, but when you pressure someone to do something... its almost like commanding them to do something in the most torturess form ever. Encouraging gives an option. Urgh.. it gets me so annoyed. The pressure to please people is so annoying. Tell me do you get annoyed at people that pressure you? and do you hate pressure aswell.?? Leave a comment letting me know. you rock. thanks for reading
blog you later

Jimmy Blogz

1 comment:

  1. So....what lead to you writing this? lol I HATE pressure. But it's understandable. I get so annoyed at my mom for pressuring me to do all these things. Nag Nag Nag! Job, uni, cleaning, Visiting Teaching, etc NAG NAG NAG! But like seriously anyone that's pressuring us only has our best interest at heart. If i was a mother i would not want my daughter wasting her life like i have been these past two years. I would be trying to "encourage" her to do something better with her time, but I'm sure being the intense person i would come across as pressure.
